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Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit

Estimating the Economic Impacts of Tax Increment Financing Districts

Introduction Representative Susan Estes requested this audit, which was authorized by the Legislative Post Audit Committee at its April 25, 2023 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following questions: Do Tax Increment Financing (TIF) projects recover their costs timely? How do… Read More

Evaluating the STAR Bonds Financing Program

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements of K.S.A. 46-1137 that were in effect on December 12, 2022. The Legislative Post Audit Committee directed us to evaluate this economic development incentive program at that meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology State law (K.S.A. 46-1137) requires us to include 3 components… Read More

Evaluating the Angel Investor Tax Credit Program

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements in K.S.A. 46-1137. The Legislative Post Audit Committee directed us to evaluate this incentive at its December 12, 2022 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following question: What did participating investors and businesses say about how… Read More

Evaluating the Rural Opportunity Zones Program

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements in K.S.A. 46-1137. The Legislative Post Audit Committee directed us to evaluate this incentive at its December 12, 2022 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following question: To what extent has the Rural Opportunity Zones program been effective at… Read More

Reviewing Issues Related to State Cryptocurrency Tax Policies

Introduction Senator Robert Olson requested this limited-scope audit, which was authorized by the Legislative Post Audit Committee at its February 16, 2022 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following question: How do Kansas’s cryptocurrency tax policies compare to federal policies and best practices? To… Read More

Industrial Revenue Bonds Property Tax Exemptions

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements in K.S.A. 46-1137. The Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized us to evaluate this incentive at its June 1, 2020 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology State law (K.S.A. 46-1137) requires us to include 3 components in our evaluations of the state’s economic development tax incentives: a… Read More

STAR Bonds Financing Program

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements in K.S.A. 46-1137. The Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized us to evaluate this incentive at its June 1, 2020 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology State law (K.S.A. 46-1137) requires us to include 3 components in our evaluations of the state’s economic development tax incentives: a… Read More

LPA Guide to Economic Development Incentive Evaluations

It is important for policymakers to evaluate if incentives are a good use of taxpayer money. Incentives usually have opportunity costs. States could use the money spent on incentives to pay for other things. Many of those also would promote economic development. For example, quality schools create a skilled workforce. Read More

Angel Investor Tax Credit Program

Introduction This audit satisfies requirements in K.S.A. 46-1137. The Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized us to evaluate this incentive at its June 1, 2020 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following question: What are the Kansas angel investor tax credit program’s estimated economic and… Read More

The Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission: Measuring its Economic Impact

Introduction Representative Jerry Stogsdill requested this audit, which the Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized at its April 30, 2019 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology This audit answers the following questions: What are the current and potential economic effects generated by the Kansas Arts Industries Commission efforts? How does Kansas’… Read More

LPA Guide to Economic Development Incentive Evaluations

It is important for policymakers to evaluate if incentives are a good use of taxpayer money. Incentives usually have opportunity costs. States could use the money spent on incentives to pay for other things. Many of those also would promote economic development. For example, quality schools create a skilled workforce. Read More