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Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit

Performance Auditor – IT Application

Thank you for your interest in a position at the Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit. Our application consists of two primary steps. Please read the following instructions carefully all the way through before you begin the application process.

To begin, please have the following documents prepared. They may be in Word, PDF, or plain-text format.

  • A cover letter that provides a little background about yourself and your interest in this position.
  • Your resume listing, at a minimum, current and previous jobs, education, and the dates of each.
  • You will be asked to give your name, then to upload your documents. If you do not include a cover letter and a resume your application will not be considered further. There also is a comment box for you to include any additional information (for example, any special accommodation you may require).

Before you begin the application

When you click “Begin Application” you will see a second screen with a form to gather some basic information. After completing that form, there will be a link to a set of exercises designed to measure your critical thinking skills. There is a Word document you need to download to your computer. To be considered further, you must complete the exercises and upload them to this page within 24 hours.  Please do not start the application process unless you will have time to complete the exercises within the following 24 hours.

IMPORTANT:  These exercises are a realistic approximation of the type of work we do. We ask that you complete them on your own and not collaborate with others, have someone else complete the exercises on your behalf, or use other means such as Artificial Intelligence (Chat GPT) to assist you in your responses. You will not be successful at the job if you cannot do the exercises on your own. We also request that you do not share copies of the exercises with anyone else.

After Completing the Exercises

When you have your personal documents assembled, and some time set aside, click “Begin Application.” When you have finished the exercises, come back here and click the “Upload Completed Exercises” button below to submit them.

A selection committee of LPA staff members will evaluate and score your exercises. Only applicants with a qualifying score will advance in the process and be invited for an onsite interview.

Once submitted, you will not be allowed to retake or revise the exercises.

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