Introduction Senator Larry Alley requested this audit, which the Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized at its April 25, 2023 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following question: Do agencies provide accurate and reasonable estimates in fiscal notes for potential legislation?… Read More
Introduction Representative Susan Concannon and Representative Jarrod Ousley requested this audit, which the Legislative Post Audit Committee authorized at its May 5th, 2021 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following questions: Are foster care stakeholders following adequate policies and procedures to ensure the safety… Read More
Introduction The Legislative Post Audit Committee requested and approved this audit at its September 2, 2020 meeting. Objectives, Scope, & Methodology Our audit objective was to answer the following questions: What practices or programs do state-funded mental health and substance abuse providers report using and how well do they appear… Read More